Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life is full of tough choices!

Since, probably the beginning of human race (ahem!)…there has been A “to be and not to be” kind of issue which has kept the best of minds of this race of Homo-Sapiens… (Read B-school grads) wondering…. Sales or marketing!!??? I don’t claim to be an exception. So after I got placed in this extremely well reputed FMCG company (don’t ask how I managed it…), I spent several sleepless nights pondering over this issue, without much help.

Finally I joined the company and started with my sales stint. It was, well as bad as its oft rumored…but as it turned out…its awesome in several ways, which are not so often spoken about. But more of that later…. So you see my dilemma here… I went through my sales stint not hating it…in fact… I daresay liking it! Next ... it was marketing stint’s turn… and well as expected…actually somewhat unexpected too… it started with a bang…here are some of the excerpts…judge for yourself…

Day 1: Catching up on gossips and rumors (and they say…oohh! We have so much work…yeah rite!!!)…. Suddenly a someone said from the corner, “do you know who was seen roaming around…hand in hand during the regional meet?”
Our eyes shone in the sheer anticipation of the news… we waited with bated breath, and we all asked in unison, “WHO?”
“With WHOM?”
“His boss” … and don’t get ideas here… he is a guy… but on second thoughts why not!
And there it began… and finally we concluded that D..M..’s relentless pursuit of a suitable girl and resulted in what we call in marketing terms – “exploring newer territories”

Day 2:
Like some hot shot brand managers, on whom the future of the company depended, we jumped on various company products, dissecting it… analyzing it…strategizing while we kept on with this exercise. However there was this one category of products, which we (expect P..R..) are/were mostly ignorant about- sanitary napkins, which received most of our attention…but we were not to be bogged down by challenges…we are the future of the nation (ahem…ahem)..
4:30 pm (same day): P..R.. tries to explain lesser mortals like us, certain attributes of the product in question….
S..G..: Goes on to explain …with original insights….and tops it up with a finishing line- “P..R.., I know more than you…”
P..R..: “Am not sure, that should be taken as a compliment by you”

Day ….(well I don’t remember the count now):
We were out taking the ‘n’th coffee break, when we heard….
“He has got engaged!”
“Arre… D..M..’s….”
“Really…true”… (loud “aawwwss”)
“Poor D..M..!...Who is going to break the news to him??”
Good question!!.. so we all go together!

We find D..M.. in his seat, happily checking out movie ticket booking sites, humming songs…and very tactfully (with wide grins… and other facial expressions enhancing the same…) we break the news to him…. And there it started again…
“You know what … HE is getting engaged…”
“Ya well…”
“Dude…do something…”
“Do what?”
“You know… do SOMETHING….”
“Like WHAT??”

D..M.. was visibly agitated by now…and we were more than amused ….I meant concerned…(ahem)… when finally someone drew the conclusion… “better luck next time mate!!”

So you see my dilemma here… will you hate me for liking marketing …or sales…. I am just a mere mortal…still grappling with THE fundamental question of our life- Sales or Marketing???